Today I will give you a brief report of the strategies I’ve used so far when I was looking for good sources at the library or on the web.
While I was writing my thesis I used mainly printed articles and books, I did a very limited use of Internet sources. I had the prejudice that printed information is much more reliable than information you can find on the Internet. Later, I discovered I was wrong, since I realized I cannot discriminate among sources according to their form (printed or online).
These were the basic steps of my researches:
First, I collected some information on the author, the content, the kind of edition and who was the book addressed to. Second, I made a list of the suitable books’ titles; I did think about the key words which could allow me to find other interesting books as well. Third, I taped meaningful words into the slot of the Catalogo Padovano (online library source). In the end, I checked the shelves of the libraries and I borrowed some interesting books.
Doing my researches, I usually made a list of interesting books that could be useful- as to make them available in the future. Basically, you can evaluate a book at first sight according to the table of contents. Usually, if contents are clearly listed and structured, you expect the book to be good and meaningful. As for the reliability of a book, you trust the author according to the way he makes quotations and selects the bibliography. Therefore, the problem of evaluating the reliability of books seems quite easy to solve.
- ‘Who is responsible for publishing the information provided by the source? What are the credentials and affiliation or sponsorship of any named individuals or organizations? How objective, reliable, and authoritative are they? Is the author or contact person listed with addresses (street, e-mail)?
- What can be said about the content, context, style, structure, completeness and accuracy of the information provided by the source? Are any conclusions offered? If so, based on what evidence and supported by what primary and secondary documentation? What is implied by the content? Are diverse perspectives represented? Is the content relevant to your information needs?
- When was the information provided by the source published? Is the information provided by the source in its original form or has it been revised? Is this information timely and is it updated regularly?
- Where else can the information provided by the source be found? Is this information authentic? Is this information unique or has it been copied?
- Why was the information provided by the source published? What are the perspectives, opinions, assumptions and biases of whoever is responsible for this information? Is anything being sold? Who is the intended audience?’ (Questions’ source).
Anyway, if I had to ask me all the questions every time I need to evaluate a web source I would spend my entire life evaluating website. Gosh! Not a happy life, indeed! So, just to make things easier, I checked out what I could find on the Well, I found a fantastic article entitled “Seek and Ye Shall Find: How To Evaluate Sources on the Web”, written by Wendy Boswell. This article clearly sums up the three basic rules to find out the reliability of a web source; here they are:
- Who’s in charge?
- Are you telling me the truth?
- Are you selling me something?
That’s all, guys! I mean, that’s all someone needs to know about a web source. As Wendy Boswell says, basically people need to figure out if the website presents accurate information or not. If you manage to answer this question and the answer is positive, this means your source is good.
I’d like to give you a further tip that can help you to discriminate your web sources. On the University of Berkley’s website I found this excellent tutorial on ‘Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask’, published by UC Berkeley - Teaching Library Internet Workshops.
‘Evaluating web pages skilfully requires you to do two things at once:
1. Train your eye and your fingers to employ a series of techniques that help you quickly find what you need to know about web pages;
2. Train your mind to think critically, even suspiciously, by asking a series of questions that will help you decide how much a web page is to be trusted.’ (tips’ source).
In conclusion, if you want to find more on the subject this is the complete list of the useful website I found in my research:
Tips from Wendy Boswell
Tips from from the Milton Library at Johns Hopkins University
Tips from the University of Berkley
Tips from the University of Essex
Tips from Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Tips from San Diego State University
Catch you soon
Hi Martina,
I’ve just read through your post. I must admit, I adore the way you write. Your post is always the first one I read.
Well, I agree with you when you say that “the problem of evaluating the reliability of boos seems quite easy to solve”. (Pay attention to the spelling mistake: you wrote “boos” instead of “books”). Actually, books are checked by an editor. So, there’s a sort of control over their content. Moreover, copyright prevents other people from copying a part of the book and paste it in their own work. On the contrary on the web it’s very easy to find plagiarized passages, hoaxes and inaccurate information. However, there’s a huge amount of interesting and updated information on the web. The problem is that of distinguishing between reliable and unreliable articles!In your post you gave many tips to do it and I completely agree with you about all of them! You added a lot of links at the end of your post to go into the subject! I appreciated it!
Good job
See you tomorrow
Hi Martina!
While reading your post a couple of minutes ago I found myself thinking: "What a great job she's done this week"!
Your post is very well-written, and, unlike some of your older posts, it is extremely readeble, concise, clear, and not at all long-winded!
Furthermore, you managed to consider some aspects which are relevant for you and for your experience, rather than discussing just the main points figured out by the links Sarah proposed to us! And you also focused on some other links which are important for you!
Great job!
I think I'm going to keep in mind the three basic questions you quoted, they're much more effective than making a long and time-demanding evaluation of sources. I think that an accurate evaluation would be useful just after having restricted our choice to a short number of web documents.
Moreover, I perfectly agree with you when you say that "I had the prejudice that printed information is much more reliable than information you can find on the Internet. Later, I discovered I was wrong, since I realized I cannot discriminate among sources according to their form (printed or online". I had the same prejudices!
There are no mistakes to remark in your very well-written post!
See you soon!
Hi Martina,
How are you doing?
I agree with Camilla and Silvia! Your post is amazing! You clearly highlighted the main points we should focus on to evaluate a source; in addition, I appreciated that in the first part you talked about your personal experience (searching the online university library catalogue, looking at the table of contents, author, bibliography,…), and then you discussed some more general tips taken from the webpages you visited.
In this regard, the checklist you suggested from “Seek and Ye Shall Find: How To Evaluate Sources on the Web” is wonderful; I do think that the three rules you quoted in your post are the summary (and more) of all the criteria anyone should think about to judge any source of information. Thank you very much for this link! There I found some interesting questions I hadn’t asked myself before: “Is there a link to a page describing what the company or organization does and the people who are involved (an "About Us" page)?”; “Is there a valid way of making sure the company or organization is legit - meaning, is this a real place that has real contact information?”. It’s naive to think that an email address is enough!
As far as peer reviewing is concerned, nothing to say, just that your post is very original, very straightforward, very enjoyable!
It was a pleasure to read it! Thank you very much!
Hi Martina!
I’ve just read your comment on my post… Thank you for your suggestions and corrections! I really appreciated them!
Like you, when I was searching material for my thesis I thought that paper sources were more reliable than online ones. However, I soon changed my mind since you can find excellent texts online! The problem is judging them correctly and using only those which are more trustworthy and accurate!
I agree with Silvia, Elena and Camilla when they wrote that your post is really well written! You expressed your ideas in a clear and concise way and your language is very friendly and easy to read! Good job!
I really appreciated that you suggested us two useful links; they both contain good tips that can help us judging online sources. Thank you! I think that the three basic rules by Wendy Boswell are really helpful… I will try to remember them next time I will consider the reliability of a web source!
As far as grammar is concerned I noticed two spelling mistakes. As Silvia already pointed out, you wrote ‘boos’ instead of ‘books’; then you wrote ‘fist’ instead of ‘first’.
That’s all for now!
See you soon
Hi Martina!
Everyone of us agree that your post is very-well written!
I read your comment and I answer to your question immediately. Like you wrote, I think that these activities are really useful for us because we can learn from each other all the different ways to evaluate web pages and the different information we look at.
When I read your previous experience, I remembered my attitude towards web sources. Like you and Veronica, I was a bit reluctant to search for information in the web, and it is only from this year that I get closer to the WWW. You have to know how to use the sources, because otherwise they can be unuseful, and before this course with Sarah I can say that I could not use the WWW to search for information for my thesis!
Thank you for your good contribution!
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