Sunday, April 13, 2008


Nowadays immigration is a very debatable issue, especially in Italy. Almost everyday, the news on TV and the newspaper report about flows of illegal immigrants who arrived in Italy in very bed conditions. Immigrants must endure a long and expensive travel by see and they are packed into small and old boat for many days. The conditions on board are very precarious because of the lack of food and water, so when immigrants arrived in Italy, they exhausted and drained by their fast.

Italian politicians have tried to solve the problem of illegal immigration by means of some law. One of the most recent is also the most debated because this law, the Bossi-Fini law was overall ineffective. This law doesn’t prevent illegal immigrants from entering the Italian borders and even though Italian policemen send immigrants back, actually the flow of immigrants arriving is still increasing.

The basic problem is that our country isn’t able to provide to all this people a job and so many immigrants are recruit by criminals. In addition, many people are scared by immigrants and they see in them not only potential criminals but also competitors in the work. Some Italians are afraid of loosing their own job because of the immigrants who settle for a low salary. Actually, I think this is an just an excuse since the immigrants often do the hardest and worst job (an Italian would never do).

In the following class we will discuss this problem in detail and I’ll ask to my peer Allyson to explain us how she perceive the phenomenon of immigration in the US, keeping in mind that Italians were immigrants in the US in the past.

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