I'd like to reflect a little upon our final project. We are going to decide together the topic of our project. First of all, Anna Bordignon said: 'I would like to compare how Italians learn about Americans and viceversa. How do teachers in the schools present the Italian language and culture? And, do Italians study American language and culture? Why, or why not? Is it important in Italy to differenciate, for example, American English and British English? At which level? Which aspects of Italian/American cultures are studied? Which movies/books/music are chosen, and why? Is this material also studied by Italians in Italy as part of their culture and viceversa?'
I do agree with what my peer Anna wrote. I’d like to write the final project about education and I think that the learning perspective that Anna proposed can be very interesting. I think we should discuss in group about the sources we can find and create. Since our final project can’t be very long I think we should try to write very concise and effective pages. The presentation should be clear, simple and eye-catching. We could divide our project into three parts:
- What US students learn about Italian culture? (e.g. past history or contemporary history, Dante or Calvino, only literature or also historical background, normative or descriptive Italian grammar)
How do US students learn? (Do they use mainly books or do they exploit technologies effectively? We could provide some explanations about what means US students do use to approach Italian culture, e.g. links of the sites). - What Italian students learn about American culture? (e.g. past history or contemporary history, Shakespeare and Milton or Orwell and , only literature or also historical background, normative or descriptive English grammar)
How do Italian students learn? (Do they use mainly books or do they exploit technologies effectively)? As in the previous section, we can include links, pictures and explanations of how do they learn for example, just by listening to pop music, watching videos onYouTube, participating in forums, or watching movies ). - Comparison and analysis of the differences among US and Italian educational systems and perspectives for future students of these languages.
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