Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Godfather or Il padrino

(photo source)
- The Godfather: Stereotype or Reality?
- That's Italian? Mass Media Stereotypy
By Michael Parenti
'Due to ignorance and lack of knowledge stereotypes cause people to have false information about others. Stereotyping is used to type cast of a certain group people, even though many stereotypes are wrong and disrespectful to those being stereotyped. Organized crime, buffoonery and illegal activities are some of the stereotypes that are associated with Italian-Americans. This causes the public to be afraid or intimidated by Italians. A great example of negative stereotypes is in the television drama are The Sopranos. Although Italians portrayed in the mob is not a new stereotype in the entertainment industry, it is believed that is does portray false images of the Italian community and promotes the acceptance of violence in today’s society. Italian-Americans who actually participated in organize crime is a small percentage of the Italian population. One of the main factors that lead to stereotypes is the media. ' - Beyond The godfather : Italian American writers on the real Italian American experience / A. Kenneth Ciongoli and Jay Parini, editors.
'Beyond The Godfather, Italian American Writers Writing about the Real Italian American experience is a collection of stories from various Italian authors who offer an intimate and unique insight into what there lives were like completely disconnected from the experiences depticted in a movie like “The Godfather”. This work is not so mucha response to the film “The Godfather” as it is a reaction to those that have seen the film and can not distinguish between reality and fiction or are simply content to place stereotypical
The first story in the book is that of Louise Desalvo called “Finding My Way” and his experiences as a young boy growing up in Hoboken, New Jersey and going to grammar school. This interesting little story shows how important education was this Italian American family and the pride that they felt to become integrated into American society as opposed to the extra legal activities that you would experience in “The Godfather.” Moreover, his real-life experiences at school prove him to be quite astute and polite. This quaint story ends as it had began ground in the real experience of family, one that has no connection to the mafia.
This book takes a step back from the stereotypes that one might decide to adopt from the portrayals of Italian Americans in The Godfather. Understanding the distinction is important not only because stereotyping a group of people is ignorant, but because in realizing that the book or the movie are a work of fiction should increase one’s appreciation of the work. ' - Beyond The godfather : Italian American writers on the real Italian American experience / A. Kenneth Ciongoli and Jay Parini, editors. 'The book Beyond the Godfather: Italian American Writers on the Real Italian American Experience, is a collection of essays written by writers of Italian descent. The book is in response to the wide popularity of The Godfather. The popularity of this book and movie has overshadowed the culture of Italians. As a result, these essays were compiled in order to give an overview of the styles of writing of the Italian Americans.
There are three main sections of the book: Memories and Memoirs, Italian American Literature and Identity Politics. Memories and Memoirs are full of anecdotes from Italian American everyday lives. In Louise DeSalvo’s story, “Finding My Way,” he discusses his education experience growing up. From this essay, it is apparent the importance of family as well as education in the life of this Italian American. The Italian American Literature section mainly discussed the different types of styles of writing. This is used to show the diversity in terms of its culture. Lastly, Identity Politics discusses the role that Italian Americans have in the United States. In the essay, “Italian Americans and American Politics,” Michael Barone discusses the influential role of Italians in the U.S. government, and the prominent figures, such as Fiorello LaGuardia, that were present in society.
The purpose of this book was to respond to the stereotypes of Italian Americans that was created by The Godfather. Although Mafia is an aspect of Italian Americans, the book highlights other aspects of their culture. Most notably, it shows the power that Italian Americans have in America. However, this power is through respectable positions in government and not through illegal ways. In addition to this, the importance of family is evident through the essays written, which is mirrored in the movie.'
About movies
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Italian politicians have tried to solve the problem of illegal immigration by means of some law. One of the most recent is also the most debated because this law, the Bossi-Fini law was overall ineffective. This law doesn’t prevent illegal immigrants from entering the Italian borders and even though Italian policemen send immigrants back, actually the flow of immigrants arriving is still increasing.
The basic problem is that our country isn’t able to provide to all this people a job and so many immigrants are recruit by criminals. In addition, many people are scared by immigrants and they see in them not only potential criminals but also competitors in the work. Some Italians are afraid of loosing their own job because of the immigrants who settle for a low salary. Actually, I think this is an just an excuse since the immigrants often do the hardest and worst job (an Italian would never do).
In the following class we will discuss this problem in detail and I’ll ask to my peer Allyson to explain us how she perceive the phenomenon of immigration in the US, keeping in mind that Italians were immigrants in the US in the past.
Questions to Allyson
The following extract are taken from the discussion on Skype among Laura, Alessia, Allyson and me. Enjoy it and let me know what you think about it!
1. In your opinion, to what extent the decision of the army withdrawal from Iraq is a central theme in the political campaign?
Allyson: ‘I think it’s very important because Clinton and Obama propose to lave Iraq gradually while McCain is determined to carry on it. I think the was in Iraq was a mistake’.
Allyson: ‘Bush stated that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but that was an excuse, it was not true.’
2. According to you, what are the most important reasons that persuade American people to vote?
Allyson: ‘Some people are more involved other don’t support anyone. In the families, they vote in a different manner. People feel that they don’t have so much control. A lot of people are registered to vote, but they actually don’t vote. I think people should definitely do it, it’s very important.’
3. If Mac Cain wins the elections, he will be the oldest U.S. President. What do you think about it? Could he be the right person to represent also the youngest generations or not?
Allyson: ‘I’ve never thought about it. I don’t support him. I don’t think he will be the good choice as president from my personal point of view.’
4. Do you think that Hillary's and Obama's campaigns are more concerned with gender and race than mere political issues?
Allyson: ‘I don’t agree to vote for Hillary just because it is a woman. Some old women I know say that they will do vote for Hillary just because she is a woman. As regards Obama, he represents a minority because he is black but I don’t think many people will vote for or against him just because he is black.’
According to you, is there still racism in the US?
Allyson: ‘It is not as bad as it was some years ago. People at my college think that they will vote for him because he is a good candidate and not just because he is black.’
Allyson: ‘Most are private. We don’t have that many public services.’
Do you think that private works better?
Allyson: ‘Most people think that if you are paid better you do your work better.’
About our final project
I'd like to reflect a little upon our final project. We are going to decide together the topic of our project. First of all, Anna Bordignon said: 'I would like to compare how Italians learn about Americans and viceversa. How do teachers in the schools present the Italian language and culture? And, do Italians study American language and culture? Why, or why not? Is it important in Italy to differenciate, for example, American English and British English? At which level? Which aspects of Italian/American cultures are studied? Which movies/books/music are chosen, and why? Is this material also studied by Italians in Italy as part of their culture and viceversa?'
I do agree with what my peer Anna wrote. I’d like to write the final project about education and I think that the learning perspective that Anna proposed can be very interesting. I think we should discuss in group about the sources we can find and create. Since our final project can’t be very long I think we should try to write very concise and effective pages. The presentation should be clear, simple and eye-catching. We could divide our project into three parts:
- What US students learn about Italian culture? (e.g. past history or contemporary history, Dante or Calvino, only literature or also historical background, normative or descriptive Italian grammar)
How do US students learn? (Do they use mainly books or do they exploit technologies effectively? We could provide some explanations about what means US students do use to approach Italian culture, e.g. links of the sites). - What Italian students learn about American culture? (e.g. past history or contemporary history, Shakespeare and Milton or Orwell and , only literature or also historical background, normative or descriptive English grammar)
How do Italian students learn? (Do they use mainly books or do they exploit technologies effectively)? As in the previous section, we can include links, pictures and explanations of how do they learn for example, just by listening to pop music, watching videos onYouTube, participating in forums, or watching movies ). - Comparison and analysis of the differences among US and Italian educational systems and perspectives for future students of these languages.
Monday, April 7, 2008
my Yoga form!
Also, one of the basic parameters to differentiate among learners is the effective time that a student has spent in a foreign country. So students who have participated into an exchange program with another country are expected to have reflected much more in depth about the foreign language. Almost two year ago I spent one semester in Wales and this clearly affected my comprehension of English culture and language. At the University of Aberystwyth, I was compelled to speak English all the day long whether inside or outside the university; formally, by attending classes or informally, by working or socializing with native speakers).
I’m very happy because next year I’ll have another wonderful opportunity to discover another university and spend a semester there. I’ll go to the BU and I think this will strongly affect my studies because not only I’ll improve my learning skills but also I’ll come close to the American culture.
As regards my YOGA form, I think it provides a framework within which I can gradually compile a profile of myself as a learner and user of foreign languages. In my opinion, it’s important that to compile a more objective profile as possible, that’s why I asked my tandem learning partner Abigail to fill in the form and to judge my language abilities. According to her, my degree is very high and I belong to the advanced category of learners, I hope that’s true and I hope to exploit all the suggestions she gives me when we meet. I’ll make them value!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Our discussion about political elections
Today I participated in a very interesting conference about US and Italian elections, together with Valentina, Laura and Allyson. We discussed mainly about our own political views and the differences between the American and Italian electoral systems. Among other questions, I asked Allyson these five questions:
1. What are the most important features a political leader must have?
2. Are you influenced by the political campaign or do you have a specific political idea?
3. Do you think you are really represented by your candidate?
4. Is the electoral system really effective?
5. What do you think about the means candidates use in order to promote themselves?
Basically, the most striking answers she gave us consist of the way US people perceive elections. As a matter of fact, Allyson told us that 'theoretically, each “elector” should vote in the way that most people in that area want him/her to, but that does not always happen. That’s how the popular vote can predict that one candidate will win, when in fact they do not have enough electoral votes.'
On Monday we discussed in class the controversial issue of the American electoral system. To sums up, I can say that in the US each state can decide whether to adopt a proportional electoral system or a 'winner takes all system'. For this reason, there are states which result to be much more important than other states. Here is the explanation Sarah gave us in class:
Let's say that in Vermont, one candidate can gain 10 electoral votes and in Florida, he or she can gain 50 electoral votes. While Vermont has a proportional system, Florida has a 'winner takes all' system. The results are the following:
e.g. Vermont
candidate A takes 80% of the popular votes, he/she takes 8 electoral votes
candidate B takes 20% of the popular votes, he/she takes 2 electoral votes
e.g. Florida
candidate A takes 51% of the popular votes, he/she takes all 50 electoral votes
candidate B takes 49% of the popular votes, he/she takes none electoral vote.
So, Italian and American electorla systems are very different and we all agreed in saying that they should be reformed in order to be more effective. If you want to read more on the subject, please, ahve a look at our forum and leave a comment.