Last week our peer from the US, Chiara Olivi, came to Padova and visited us. It was very interesting to speak to her face to face. At the beginning of our speaking session we were a little embarassed but after a while we got more confident and we started asking her many questions about lifestyle in the US, Dickinson college, US politics and social system. As a consequence, we started making comparisons between Italy and the US and we mainly talked about the problems of our universitary system. Sometimes we have to study very hard; as a result we are supposed to gain many competences. However, this is not true! It's very frustrating the fact that despite so much hard work, Italian students are much more ignorant than US students. This issue made us reflect upon our learning process and our educational objectives.
On Tuesday, we'll speak on skype again. I'm very looking forward to discuss new interesting and stimulating topics with my peers Allyson and Laura. I think that Skype is a very challenging opportunity to improve my pronunciation. During the lessons by professor Busà , I realized how different is my intonation, compared to an English native speaker. The Skype sessions will help me to improve my fluency and my skill to reproduce English sounds.
Last week our peer from the US, Chiara Olivi, came to Padova and visited us. It was very interesting to speak to her face to face. At the beginning of our speaking session we were a little embarassed but after a while we got more confident and we started asking her many questions about lifestyle in the US, Dickinson college, US politics and social system. As a consequence, we started making comparisons between Italy and the US and we mainly talked about the problems of our universitary system. Sometimes we have to study very hard; as a result we are supposed to gain many competences. However, this is not true! It's very frustrating the fact that despite so much hard work, Italian students are much more ignorant than US students. This issue made us reflect upon our learning process and our educational objectives.
On Tuesday, we'll speak on skype again. I'm very looking forward to discuss new interesting and stimulating topics with my peers Allyson and Laura. I think that Skype is a very challenging opportunity to improve my pronunciation. During the lessons by professor Busà , I realized how different is my intonation, compared to an English native speaker. The Skype sessions will help me to improve my fluency and my skill to reproduce English sounds.
Allyson speaks very well because she clearly pronunce the sounds, giving to her discourse a very cute intonation. Sometimes, we cannot hear each other because of the noise but overall I find it very easy to understand what Allyson says. It's very nice to speak about our everyday life and I'd like to have a webcam, so that it'd be even more easy to communicate. I'm really looking forward to next Tuesday!!!
Cath you later!
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