by Martina Urbani
Hello! I’m Martina Urbani, I'm 23 years old and my dream job is to work as an Italian teacher for foreigners. I spent last winter semester in the University of Wales at Aberystwyth, a tiny but fabulous town situated on the Welsh coast. For me, Aber represents simply wonderland! There, I felt completely at ease, I found many friends and I enjoyed campus life very much!!! =) For me it was a wonderful experience!
I am still in touch with some English, German, French, Polish, Spanish and Chinese friends. Due to the distance which separates us, we cannot meet anymore and so the only way to communicate is internet. I belong to two online communities of students or people who are friends or just met randomly. The first community I joined is studiVZ and it is composed mainly by German people. A few months ago, I joined also Facebook, a community where you can meet people from all over the world.
Last year, after having applied for assistantship, a Spanish friend of mine started working in UWA as a language assistant. Unfortunately, the Italian department at Aber is closing because of the low number of students studying Italian. Even though Italian is not a very popular language in the world, it is still taught and learned in many universities. That is why I would like to become an Italian teacher for foreigners. Since I still need much experience and training, I would like to undertake a traineeship or a Leonardo program.
In the university of Padua I could also enrol in the master “Didattica dell’italiano come L2”. I think that course could enable me to become an Italian teacher for foreigners, but I need more information about it. In addition, I usually have a look to the British council’s site and the Italian site of pubblico ministero. In these sites, I find information about the partnership between Italian and English universities. As a matter of fact, the selection is very tough and hard.
During my stay in Aber I got to know Welsh traditions, which date back to the Celtic civilization. Welsh people are very proud of their origins and their language; therefore they try to preserve and to defend their cultural heritage from disappearing. I think that a language does not represent only a way to communicate but is also reflects our culture and tradition. Therefore if it disappears, it will bring our memories away.
At the beginning of this semester I set my goal for the new academic year: to improve my English. We know that no language has ever been taught so widely in the world (neither French in the Middle Ages, nor Latin before it). For this reason, I think everybody is compelled to study and learn English also because it helps to overcome international barriers. I think that English can help me to develop a cosmopolitan, outward-looking attitude to life and I think that every language is a precious resource in our life!
(Welsh for “see you”)
Hey you gal what a great blog! Well done cousin!
Hi Marco!
How are you? Thank you very much for your compliments!I'm glad you like my blog..I tried to access to your personal blog but I need a special invitation =(
Can you insert me in your contact?
Thank you very much!
have a nice day!
Of course you can't join my blog, 'cause I don't have it!!! =) I'm going to create one when I have a faster Internet connection. In the meantime, keep in touch with e-mails! P.S: You're officially invited to my great birthday party on March 16th !!!! See you!
I'm very glad to come to your birthday party! Let me know where and what time! Can I invite also Sandrea?
See you soon!
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